Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS)
Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policy (QDAP)
Premium paid for certified plans are eligible for tax deduction up to HK$8,000 per insured person each year. There is no upper limit on the number of dependents for tax deduction.
Premiums paid for Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policies are eligible for tax deduction up to HK$60,000 per taxpayer each year. To enhance the flexibility of tax deduction arrangement, a total of HK$120,000 can be enjoyed between couples.
Tax Deduction Tips

VHIS is a policy initiative implemented by the Food and Health Bureau (FHB) to regulate individual indemnity hospital insurance products, with voluntary participation by insurance companies and consumers. Under the VHIS, the participating insurance companies offer certified individual indemnity hospital insurance plans ("Certified Plans") for consumers to purchase voluntarily.

You may apply for tax deduction on the qualifying premiums paid for yourself and your specified relatives for VHIS certified plans on or after April 1, 2019. The deduction ceiling is set at HK$8,000 per insured person per year. There is no cap on the number of relative(s) that are eligible for tax deduction. However, please note the Insurance Company may require the insurable interest between the insured person and policyholder. You may use our tax saving calculator to estimate the tax saving amount.

Mr. Chan purchased VHIS certified plans for himself, his spouse and two children and the premium paid are as follows

  Assume annual premium (HKD) Amount of premium qualify for tax deduction (HKD)
Mr. Chan $10,000 $8,000
Spouse $8,000 $8,000
Son $4,000 $4,000
Daughter $4,500 $4,500
Total $26,500 $24,500

In order to be eligible for claiming tax deduction under VHIS, an insurance policy must meet all the following criteria:

  1. The policy provides coverage of a Certified Plan under VHIS;
  2. The policyholder is a personal income taxpayer or his/her spouse;
  3. The insured person is the policyholder or the policyholder's "specified relatives" and
  4. The insured person is a Hong Kong resident.

Insurance company should provide a proof of premium payment to the policy holder for claiming tax deduction of Voluntary Health Insurance approved products. Be it the premium receipt or anniversary statement of the policy, the proof of premium payment must clearly state out the information as required by the Inland Revenue Department for tax deductions. Accordingly, Hong Kong Life will issue to the policy holder in every April the「Annual Summary of Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS)」which summarizes the total VHIS premium amount paid during that particular assessment year.

Tax savings from purchasing VHIS certified plan depend on the eligible premiums paid and tax rate like below:

Eligible VHIS certified plan premiums x Tax Rate = Potential Tax Savings.

Ms. Wong is entitled to have HKD 8,000 eligible premium amount for tax deduction. Assuming the standard tax rate is 15%, Ms. Wong can enjoy tax deduction as follows

Amount of tax saved = HKD 8,000 x 15% = HKD 1,200

Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policy (QDAP) is a deferred annuity product complying with the guidelines issued by the Insurance Authority (IA) and being certified by the IA. Premiums paid to QDAP are tax-deductible. QDAP must comply with a number of requirement including but not limited to: the minimum total premiums of HK$180,000, a minimum payment period of 5 years and annuitization at the age of 50 or above. To make it easy for taxpayers to recognize QDAP, the QDAP product brochure will bear a logo for identification.

Policy holder can claim tax concessions on more than one QDAPs as long as the total qualifying annuity premium of all QDAPs does not exceed HK$ 60,000 for individuals.

QDAP are deferred annuity products certified by Hong Kong Insurance Authority which law allow QDAP policyholder (and/or policyholder's spouse) claim tax concessions from their premium paid to QDAP.

No tax deduction for qualifying annuity premiums paid can be allowed to the spouse. Under this circumstance, the maximum amount of deduction allowable to the taxpayer is his/her individual limit which is $60,000, but not $120,000.

Yes, as long as that deductions applied to each taxpayer does not exceed the individual limit of HK$60,000 and the total of tax concessions claimed by you and your spouse not exceeding your own qualifying annuity premiums amount.

Mrs. Cheng is a housewife with no taxable income. Recently, she purchased a QDAP and paid HKD 65,000 annual premium. Although Mrs. Cheng paid HKD65,000 for her QDAP, Mr. Cheng can only apply for a tax deduction of HKD 60,000 for the coming assessment year.

Hong Kong Life Insurance based on existing information and our understanding to create the content, Hong Kong Life is not liable for any damage or loss caused through use or misuse of any provided information in the above section. You should consult your own tax and accounting advisors for any tax advice.

Personal Information
Your Total Taxable Income
Salaries tax is chargeable on most but not all of the income from employment, offices and pension arising in or derived from Hong Kong. Please visit HKSAR Inland Revenue Department website for more information.
You are currently single or married i
You are entitled to the basic allowance unless you are married and have been granted the married person's allowance for the year. You do not have to lodge a claim for this allowance. Please visit HKSAR Inland Revenue Department website for more information.
Number of dependent children i
You can claim the child allowance if, during a year of assessment, you maintain an unmarried child. Please visit HKSAR Inland Revenue Department website for more information.
Number of dependent parents /grandparents i
(aged 60 or above)
You may claim allowance in respect of each dependent parent / grandparent maintained by you / your spouse, not being a spouse living apart from you, during the year. Please visit HKSAR Inland Revenue Department website for more information.
Number of dependent parents /grandparents i
(aged 55 - 59)
You may claim allowance in respect of each dependent parent / grandparent maintained by you / your spouse, not being a spouse living apart from you, during the year. Please visit HKSAR Inland Revenue Department website for more information.
Annual Mandatory Contributions to MPF Schemes
You can claim deductions for mandatory contributions made to a mandatory provident fund scheme or contributions to a recognized occupational retirement scheme. Please visit HKSAR Inland Revenue Department website for more information.
Home Loan Interest
Home loan interest that you pay for the acquisition of a dwelling situated in Hong Kong and any car parking space located in the same development of the dwelling can be deducted from your assessable income under salaries tax or from your total income under personal assessment, if prescribed conditions are met. Please visit HKSAR Inland Revenue Department website for more information.
Annual VHIS Contribution
The amendment ordinance gives effect to a tax deduction under salaries tax and personal assessment to taxpayers who pay qualifying premiums under a Certified Plan of VHIS for themselves or their specified relatives. The deduction is applicable to a year of assessment commencing on or after 1 April 2019 (i.e. year of assessment 2019/20 onwards). Please visit HKSAR Inland Revenue Department website for more information. Please note that each insured annual maximum amount for tax deduction premium is HK$8,000. For example, if you and your spouse purchase VHIS with premium HK$6,000 and HK$10,000 respectively, please enter HK$14,000 (6,000+8,000) to calculate the tax deduction amount.
Annual QDAP Contribution
The amendment ordinance provides tax deductions under salaries tax and personal assessment for qualifying deferred annuity premiums and tax deductible MPF voluntary contributions (TVC). The maximum total tax deduction for two items mentioned is HKD 60,000 for each assessment year. The deductions are applicable to a year of assessment commencing on or after 1 April 2019 (i.e. year of assessment 2019/20 onwards). Please visit HKSAR Inland Revenue Department website for more information.
Analysis i
Based on year of assessment 2018/2019 allowance, basic allowance is HKD $132,000, married person's allowance is HKD $264,000. For each child born (other than born year) allowance is HKD 120,000. For each dependent parent and dependent grandparent allowance (not living with taxpayer for the year) aged 55 or above but below 60 allowance is HKD $25,000. For each dependent parent and dependent grandparent allowance (not living with taxpayer for the year) aged 60 or above is HKD 50,000Based on year of assessment 2018/2019 deduction, MPF compulsory contributions which is 5% of total income capped to a maximum HKD 18,000 (single) or HKD 36,000 (married). Home loan interest capped to a maximum HKD 100,000 (single) or HKD 200,000 (married).
This tax saving calculator based on year of assessment 2018/2019 to compare progressive tax rate and standard tax rate in order to calculate tax payable, using whichever is smaller and compares tax payable after VHIS and QDAP contribution to come up total tax saving.
This tax saving calculator based on year of assessment 2018/2019 to compare progressive tax rate and standard tax rate in order to calculate tax payable, using whichever is smaller and compares tax payable after VHIS and QDAP contribution to come up total tax saving.
Estimated Tax Savings Amount for VHIS Plan
HK$ 0
Estimated Tax Savings Amount for QDAP
HK$ 0
Estimated Total Tax Savings Amount
HK$ 0


This tax savings calculator adopts Joint Assessment in making estimations for married people and created based on year of assessment 2018/2019 information. This tool is designed to estimate tax saving for the year of assessment 2019/2020 only. This simplified calculator does not include all allowances and deduction items into calculation, therefore, your actual tax saving may vary. All estimations and information provided are for general reference only. The final tax savings amount shall be determined by the HKSAR Inland Revenue Department.

Any data and analysis generated by this calculator is for reference only and does not constitute any offer, solicitation or recommendation to buy any insurance products. You should not make any decision based solely upon the data or analysis provided by this calculator. The results generated by this calculator may be based upon assumptions. They may not cover all personal factors or government policies which would have impact on the results generated from the calculator. We do not provide any tax, legal or accounting advice and consultation to you. If you have any questions, please consult HKSAR Inland Revenue Department or independent tax, legal and accounting consultants. Hong Kong Life makes no representation or warranty of any nature nor takes any responsibility or liability of any kind with respect to the accuracy of the calculation results. You may also seek independent and professional advice before making any decisions.